Tag Archives: loss

Silence at a Table

When the news arrived

the table was already set.

Quiet words were exchanged

for even quieter expressions.

Maybe in the stillness and composure

you had hoped to preserve yourself

but then why does it feel like death inside?

Your skin turned to egg shell

to what little that remains.

This is the apocalypse.

Thoughts comes rushing but the words

never reach your tongue.

You feel the eyes on you

and wish you’d turn into dust.

Thank You

You finally manage to say.

These are the wrong words

but maybe they were meant for him.

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Filed under Poetry

You Are Nothing

I know this isn’t my best but it was something that I needed to write… 

I am a writer without his pen.

I am a singer without his voice.

I am a dancer without my feet.

I am a traveller without his map

I am a song without any lyrics.

I am a book with no words.

I am the sun with no heat.

I am terrible and broken.

I am human and frail.

I am failure and suffering.

But you are nothing.


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