Tag Archives: Walking

The Change

There’s a sound coming from the west. I’ve heard it since my younger years. I’ve heard it sing to me, the sounds of those forgotten traits that people used to have. I want this to be a brand new start now and the leave the pantomimes behind. Maybe the cause of everything was me, hiding in my box.

Age makes you wiser they say but it hasn’t done me good. Silver linings have made me beat about the bush and metaphors of wisdom have led me to despair. Dreaming of sailing through stars and rainbows of light that would maybe touch my soul in a way I could not imagine. I’ll leave in two days maybe. Reminiscent about the things I might find. Find myself a new calling maybe and learn to weave different patterns with my hands and pass them into the sea like messages in bottles.

So let the change begin.




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Searching for A Cause

I always wondered what it would be like to be young person, trapped in the last few days of the world and not knowing what to achieve or do when there’s so little time. This goes out to anyone who feels like they don’t know what to do in the world, I’m sure you can relate to this.

Searching for a cause, when everything’s taken
Looking for the right, when everything’s a lie
Walking down the street with the same old graffiti
They’ve written down my fate.
You’ve written down my fate and just tossed my soul away.
Writing down these lines, which seem to bring down the walls
I’m still looking for a hope that will make them go away.
I’m still searching for a cause.

It’s like walking down a hall of mirrors.
You see yourself looking… right back at yourself.
Blaming yourself for your own misfortune,
You cry out loud that you hate yourself.
Is this just another one of those days?
Where the happiness washes away,
Just like the tide…flowing back into the sea.
Where the leaves fall of from the autumn trees
And the nights grow longer as the days stay cold.
I’m still searching for a cause.

Shells of hatred crack under my feet,
The once sunny beaches, cold and weak
Hellos and goodbyes forgotten and lost
And the only sound heard is the tide going back,
It leaves me behind…
Searching for a cause.



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Walking With Cracked Heels

The road to paradise is long and weary…

Filled with twists and turns that manifest into smooth highways or the ragged dirt roads. And you find yourself off the beaten path. And then you stop. You take a breather. You watch as the dust settles and the cold sweat drips down from your forehead and marks the scorched earth. You look ahead.

You watch as the dust settles.

You watch as the pale horizon brightens.

You watch as the life flows back into you.

And as the horizon becomes clear again, it reminds you of why you struggle, why you persist. The reasons that have stuck to your mind and encouraged you to push harder. The reason you started, the reason you are continuing, the reason you are not going to stop…

We’ve all been there. We’ve all been back again. Pushing ourselves for others, and dragging our cracked heels across the dusty cracks in our life.


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I want to walk on air…

This post is something i wrote when i started thinking abt how the world was before and how everyday seemed amazing somehow and how hate has just consumed the world and brought it into a state where it just doesn’t feel right anymore

I want to walk on air…

Help me take the first step. I want to reach the stars…Help me try to reach them. I don’t care how high up it is. A challenge…I embrace it. Don’t care what the world throws at me; I just want to reach it. Leave behind the dusty wind and the cold street lights, that remind me of broken times and the painful life…I want to run through clouds, inhale freedom, shower the earth with hope…golden hope, glistening hope…A much needed hope. I want to run away from the ambient fear, the paradigm shifts, the monotonous black and white lifestyle…Remember how the earth used to glow? The warm and sweet scented mornings we used to wake up to? When the Sun’s light touched your skin? Welcoming you to the dawn of a new day that you knew would be colourful and full of life. There was something about that warmth…It made our hearts glow. It made the beggar a hope to wake up to, the suicidal man a reason to live, a terrorist the thought to consider…

But it isn’t the same anymore…The warmth is gone. Perished. Lost. Forgotten…We wake up to escapism…People trying desperately to find a way out. A way from all the pain. A way to hope. It’s cold now. I’m cold now.

I want to walk on air…Help me take the first step.

I want to reach the stars…Help me try to reach them.


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